In our global collaborative economy, buyers can source from hundreds of countries, not just in their hometown. The greatest value of user-friendly websites like and is their ability to build trust between strangers to initiate brisk commerce, new friendships and enriching experiences, around the world and in real time.

Imagine learning about all the best medical specialists in Guatemala on-line, then having all the appointments and scheduling with them through Guatemala Medical Travel, in various languages, instantly confirmed. High-resolution magnetic imaging and panoramic dental x-rays can be shared in the cloud and be available for review by cooperating specialists in different countries before they can even answer the phone. By the way, that phone call is free from anywhere in the world with the app of your choice. These days, anyone with internet access is no longer a word-of-mouth common consumer, but a highly enabled virtual marketplace collaborator.

What if we had the power to locate the best doctors and dentists, and buy our medical procedures the same way? Patients and associates can participate by sharing actual experiences, to confirm the doctor’s “reputation capital” defining the value of his or her capabilities, experience and dedication.

Everyone wants to be able to depend on a physician who improves your quality of life, dispels your anxiety, cares about your lifestyle changes, gives you excellent advice, and maybe even saves your life. That authentic connection with your doctor benefits you, the patient and the people you love, for years to come.

Welcome to Guatemala Medical Travel. Take some time to look around the website and meet our medical associates, talk to the nurse advocates, then make an informed choice that’s right for you. You will enjoy a superior medical experience and recovery at a terrific price, in Guatemala.